2016 EVENTS (Q4)

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Community Gardens: One Way To Improve Household Income and Health

Community Gardens, A reflection of Togetherness
The concept of Household (HH) economy dates back to the days of Genesis when Joseph tapped into the land of Goshen. During this time, focus was given on storing enough food into the next season. While the idea of storage is synonymous with food that can last long, the other dimension is to focus on the perishables. One of the models I have seen working for some communities to improve their HH dynamics in as far as improving income, nutrition and variability.

In Zimbabwe I have had the privilege to work for some non-governmental organisations that spearheaded the model of community gardens. Apart from the said benefits, community gardens have the power to unite communities through working together, educate and uplift other families and thus improving community cohesion.

Community leadership structures have a critical role to play for this model to succeed. Chiefs who are usually the custodians of land are the apex decision makers of the communities and come in handy where awarding the land is concerned. Other leaders then come in play to assign roles, dividing the land, providing security and getting the needed assistance in terms of expertise. I look forward for more of such programs in Zimbabwe but most importantly in Chipinge where community projects seem to remain behind the curve. Lets unite to succeed.

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