2016 EVENTS (Q4)

Voluntary Efforts

The Chipinge Community Cup
Sporting, particularly soccer in Zimbabwe and the world over has the power to unite communities. There is a lot of soccer and sporting talent in Chipinge and there are great names that have showcased their talent but their exposure has only been limited to Chipinge, yet they have nothing to show for all this expertise. This project seeks celebrate the sporting legends while nurturing the current talent by providing a platform for them to exhibit their talent. The scope of this project will be expanded going forward to include other sporting disciplines.

Chipinge Career Guidance Marathon (CCGM)
Working hand in hand with the Chipinge Development Initiative, this project seeks to raise awareness to the school going children of Chipinge in as far as professions are concerned. This further attempts to explain how people can fully understand themselves in order for them to choose their careers and passions right. These workshops and marathons will focus on the teachers as well as the students. Schools are zoned and the program discourse done at these centers.

ChipingePublic Library (CPL)
The loss of activity especially a hub for school going as well as the general public where they can meet, study, discuss and share ideas inspired the idea to resuscitate the defunct town (Chipinge) library. Further to this development, the CPL operate a Mobile Library where books are circulated around schools on a zone basis and at the end of the school terms, the books are transported back to the main library in Chipinge to allow the public to have access to a myriad of subject areas. A lot of work and research is being done on this project to allow the model to benefit the greater population of Chipinge with the hope to replicate the same around Zimbabwe.

A Hoe per Family Project
Agriculture is the backbone of Zimbabwe's economy and as such families need to be empowered with the tools for them to yield a better harvest. This project is guided by the community's needs and responds to these needs specific to a community. While other efforts are done, each family get a hoe as the first important tool.

Community Gardens (CG)
Community gardens are a rich source for better nutrition, a source for HH income and most importantly improves health for general community population. With the assistance of community leadership, land is accorded to the entire community and divided to benefit all the community members. Experts in agriculture are sourced to come and train the beneficiaries on the best way to garden. At community level competitions are held for the best gardener and many other activities.

Monthly Market Day
In order to encourage more activity and offer the possibility of improved HH income from the CGs, efforts to have monthly market days in Chipinge town are underway in consultation with town authorities to get a market place for such a day. This project also encourages the eat green for general health improvement.

Vocational Training Center (VTC)
The economic blizzards that hit Zimbabwe since 2000 negatively impacted on the ability of HHs to raise money to send their children to schools and the most affected generation are the current Youths. This project seeks to find way to empower this generation but without limiting it only to these. It will also be open to other generations. The core thematic areas will be building, carpentry, plumbing and dress making. The scope will be improved as time goes. Consultations with the relevant Ministries are underway to enable the facility to offer certification at the end of the project.

Continuous efforts to come up with projects that improve the livelihoods of communities are ongoing.

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